How to read A LOT of books?

A LOT of people ask me how am I able to read so many books. I want to share with you guys about the consistency of reading books.

Once again, as usual, before starting I will say- This blog is totally a personal experience about my reading habits. I’m no professional. Also, this blog is not sponsored as who is going to sponsor this noob, LOL (crying in the corner)
  • Do a bit of research: Before starting your book reading process you should do some research about what type of books would you like to read or you might be interested in. Basically, there are two types- Fictional & Non-fictional books. Fictional books consist of fables or imaginary stories, characters, plots, etc and Non-fictional books- there are biographies, autobiographies, history, in short, they are informative. Long story short- Fictional books contain non-real stories and Non-fictional contains real stories. So, research about your genres and head into the next step.

  • Book hunting: After doing the research and finding out your type, you should jump in to book search. You can ask your friends for advice who read books, google, read blogs (like mine :P) or you can also follow Bibliophiles. You can get books anywhere nowadays. There are so many book shops and also a lot of books are available on

  • Jot down every month: Make a small journal of which books you want to read, this will really help you. Write down the books you want to read and how much time you want to give to read. By doing so, you will genuinely read. Also, try reading before going to bed.

  • Go for books which are written in simple words: If there are understandable words then we get confidence that we might finish a particular book and also generates interest.
  • Short books at first sight: Probably we all know about love at first sight which works only in movies, but starting with short and small books will obviously, let you fall in love with reading.

  • Set an alarm: Set alarm for book reading by which you will not forget and won’t repent later. 

  • Keep talking about it: This one really works for me to keep the consistency. I keep talking about how many books I read with my friends and also post it on my Social Media handles, by which it automatically let me read more books and post it on Social Media. If you want you can call it a bit show off, but why not!!! If gym freaks can show off their bods so can we book freaks too, right??

  • Take babe (book) everywhere: Wherever you go, carry it. If you can’t then there’s an an app named ‘Anybook’ where you get to read unlimited books, without any Ads and also it does feel like a book while reading it as it actually has pages to flip. Read books especially while traveling as there are so much unwanted hustle and bustle where you can just take out your book and you can read it on the go.

  • Surround yourself with…: If you surround yourself with people who read books. Probably, chances are 99% high that you will talk about it by which you guys can refer books to each other. Another way is to sign up to websites which gives you book reviews or like/ follow pages on Social media which post quotes and stuff related to books. For eg. Goodreads, Didyoureadtoday, thebookaholics, etc.

  • Keep yourself away from distraction: Distractions play an important role while not able to achieve something good. You guys know what I exactly mean: Mobile Phone. You will never be able to read books if you keep your phone beside you, cherry on the cake if the internet is connected. FIR TOH BHOOL JAO!

  • Believe in yourself: This is the last thing I would like to say that believe in you. If I can read books then why can’t you? God has not given an extra brain to those who read. Start with one and you will never end.

  •  Bonus point: You read, read and read but still, nothing is happening, you are not able to concentrate. You feel like reading is just not your type or you are not able to convince yourself for reading then do not get discouraged just go for Audiobooks. It's just up to your interest level. 
Even if a single person gets inspired by my blog, I will be more than happy. Do tell me if you found this helpful. 

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